What is a loved one?

A loved one is anyone that is in a relationship with someone that has,
or they suspect has, Avp.

How AVP Affects the Partner of someone with Avp

When a Loved one is in a relationship with someone that has Avp, the Loved One is just as much a victim as the one with Avp.

There are quite a few symptoms that the Loved one will develop including 

Depression - The Loved One can become depressed because they cannot figure out how to communicate with their partner that has Avp and have a successful relationship.

Social Isolation - The Loved One can become socially isolated because their partner that has Avp does not want to be around friends or family because of their condition.

How AVP Affects the Child of an Avoidant Parent

The child or teen of someone that has Avp also suffers and can take on some or all of the symptoms of the one with Avp. 

There are quite a few symptoms that the child has to deal with including 

Depression - The child of someone with Avp can become depressed because they feel disconnected and unloved by their
Avp parent.

Social Isolation - The Avp parent of the child can demand social isolation, or not want friends and family to be around due to the nature of their

There are many more potential issues that the Loved One and Child of someone with Avp can face. These are covered in more detail in our classes 

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